With the rudder buttoned up, we switched back to match-drilling the elevators.
I fitted the elevator control horns to the respective spars and match drilled the holes to #30.
Next up was match-drilling the skins to the understructure. These 1" and 1/2" jaw cleco clamps made matching up and drilling the non-factory punched holes a breeze.
I had some help disassembling the right elevator...
But the left was on me.
We finished the day with 2 piles of parts ready for deburring, edge finishing and dimpling!
Brian Judge came over for a couple of hours Saturday to help me puzzle through fabricating the support brackets for the wing stand. No pictures, but we carved up a lot of aluminum angle preparing for it.
Sunday we were back at it with Erin deburring & stripping rivet lines while I machine countersunk holes in the main spars, end ribs and E-606 top flange.
Many builders modify a microstop countersink cage to access holes close to the rib flanges, but I found that careful use of a manual hole deburring tool with a countersink bit gave me a clean result - in come cases better than my drill press with the cage installed!
Another good couple of sessions, more parts ready for priming, and a daughter who said she had a fun weekend and wished we had another day. Can't ask for more than that.
Empennage: 7 hrs