Saturday, March 8, 2014

Rudder Stiffener Prep

Had a full crew and warm weather today (48* counts, right?), so we dove into work on the rudder. My sister Sam is in town for a few days so she got to sling some clecos.
While I kept busy measuring & marking stiffeners, Sam & Erin started collecting the rudder skeleton pieces while their cheering section looked on.
The girls were very excited to be able to help - they were excellent at marking lines for the taper cuts!

Yes, they each got their own color marker. Well done, ladies!
Stiffeners rough trimmed:
And initial deburred:
The stiffeners will need a pass over the scotchbrite wheel, but they are otherwise complete (less match drilling, deburring, dimpling...ok, so we have a ways to go). It's great to have help!

Empennage: 3 hrs

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